Temporary Sign Regulations
Banners, yard sale signs, real estate signs, campaign signs, special event signs, etc. are regulated by the temporary sign regulations, which include.
Freestanding Signs
Freestanding entails that the sign is not attached to buildings or other structures.
- Lawn signs: Often used for yard sales, political campaigns, general advertising, real estate, and special events.
- For more details, download the Lawn Sign Brochure
- Download a map of where certain signs can be placed in the public right-of-way
- Rigid signs, including colonial style signs for residential real estate and brokerage signs for commercial and industrial real estate
Except for a few noted exceptions, these signs do not require application or fees. Allowance for this type of sign can be found in Table S-1 and at Exempt Lawn and Rigid Sign Allowance of Wilsonville’s Code and at Subsections 4.156.05 (.02) I. and J.
Attached Signs
This refers to signs attached to buildings, and require a permit from the Planning Division.
Note: Signs that are part of a broader temporary use permit do not require a separate sign permit, unless requesting annual event signs in the city right-of-way.
Fees & Review
- Online Application Portal for Class 1 Review
- Class 1 review (City Staff Review):
- Less than 15 days: $85
- 15-30 days: $117
- Online Application Portal for Class 2 Review
- Class 2 review (City Staff review with public notice):
- 31-60 days: $533
- 61-120 days: $715
General Allowance
- Per lot or non-residential tenant
- Allowed area: 24 square feet
- The 24 square feet may be used for a single sign (i.e. a 3' x 8' banner) or split between two signs (i.e. two 2' x 6' banners)
Opening Banners
A banner corresponding with the opening of a new business or housing development may be permitted, subject to the following standards and conditions:
- One such banner shall be allowed either from the date of issuance of Building Permits until four weeks after issuance of Certificates of Occupancy, or if no Building Permit is issued, for four weeks after occupancy of a new business.
- Such banner may be two-sided but shall not exceed 32 square feet per face.
- Such signs shall not be permitted at the same time as general allowance temporary signs.
Inflatable Signs
Inflatable signs may be permitted for a maximum of 15 days of display use in any calendar year subject to the following standards and conditions:
- Does not exceed 10 feet in overall height
- If attached to a building in any manner, it meets applicable Building Code requirements, including consideration of wind loads.
Prohibited Temporary Signs
- Pennants, streamers, festoon lights, balloons, and other similar devices intended to be moved by the wind.
- Signs attached to trees, public sign posts, or public utility poles (except certain City-approved light pole banners).
- Illuminated signs.
- Event related signs after the event has ended.
- Signs placed on private property without the owner's permission.
- Other prohibitions in Section 4.156.06 of the Wilsonville Code may also apply.
The information on this page intended to summarize the City’s sign regulations. Wilsonville’s Sign Regulations can be found in Sections 4.156.01 through 4.156.11 of the Wilsonville Code. The completeness of and review any application for a Sign Permit will be based on Sections 4.156.01 through 4.156.11 of the Wilsonville Code, and any other relevant sections of Wilsonville’s Code.