Parking Open House
Calendar Date:
Parking in Wilsonville: An Update to Parking Regulations and Management Strategies
Parking is an integral part of how many people experience a City. Whether parking their car while at home, visiting a business, gathering with friend and family, or going to an event, those that drive and ride have experienced looking for parking. While most people prefer ample parking as close to destination as possible, parking takes up valuable land and has negative impacts that should be balanced with providing more parking.
Recent changes to State of Oregon regulations have led the City to adjust how it regulates parking when new homes and businesses are built. As the City goes through the process to make these necessary adjustments, it presents an opportunity to better understand and give additional thought to a few key questions:
Where in Wilsonville is parking difficult or inconvenient, particularly on public streets?
If it is not feasible to build more parking, what other strategies can be successful in managing parking in areas where the demand for parking is greater than the available convenient parking spaces?
What types of buildings or use of buildings tend to have a difficult time accommodating demand for parking? Where might these buildings and uses be located in the future and how can the City prepare to successfully manage the parking demand?
When parking spaces or parking lots are built, what features are important to make them safe, comfortable, and convenient for users?
Please visit or join us for an in-person community open house to discuss parking Thursday March 20 at 6 p.m. at Wilsonville City Hall to discuss these questions and more. Light refreshments will be served. The open house is a hybrid event that can be joined virtually via Zoom
Thank you for your interest and participation!
For more information contact Planning Manager Daniel Pauly at or 503-570-1536.