Planning Commission

Meeting Information

  • Meetings scheduled on second Wednesday of every month, 6 pm at City Hall (unless otherwise noted on the City calendar, meeting agenda)
  • View all Agendas & Minutes
  • Wilsonville City Hall is located at 29799 SW Town Center Loop E, Wilsonville, OR 97070
  • Meetings are streamed live and archived on YouTube and are also televised live on Xfinity (ch. 30) and Ziply (ch. 32). 

Providing input to Planning COmmission

The Planning Commission places great value on citizen input and welcomes ideas and opinions on how to keep Wilsonville livable. They invite you to email them at with your comments, questions, or concerns regarding specific topics that are of interest to the community. Thank you for taking time to provide your input.

Roles & Responsibilities

The Planning Commission is a seven-member volunteer panel that is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on all legislative land-use and planning matters. Commissioners serve as vital volunteers, who bring vital community-led solutions and critical oversight to local government. Members are appointed to four-year terms by the Mayor; appoints require approval of the City Council.

The roles and responsibilities of the Planning Commission include evaluating new and existing policies and plans that guide and regulate future growth and development in Wilsonville in a way that furthers the community’s existing goals and commitments to sustainability, inclusivity, economic vitality, and livability. The Planning Commission ensures new policy recommendations are consistent with the City’s existing planning policies, and reviews and makes recommendations on all proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, development policies and zoning code. As such, Commissioners are expected to gain in-depth knowledge of applicable City Code provisions.  

Given the important role of the Planning Commission, the City seeks to appoint membership that accurately represents the diversity of Wilsonville’s population.  

Planning Commissioners are expected to attend all Planning Commission meetings and to devote time for study of relevant issues prior to each meeting. Commissioners receive staff support from the Planning Division, which provides in-depth reports and supporting material for Commissioners to review.  

Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI)

Wilsonville’s Planning Commission, made up of people with diverse interests in the community, fulfills the role as the city’s official Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI). The CCI frequently conducts work sessions and other informal public meetings that are deliberately intended to encourage an exchange of ideas and opinions without the formality of public hearings. The CCI assists the City Council in gathering information, sponsoring public meetings, and/or evaluating proposals and special projects relating to land use and civic issues when requested by elected or appointed city officials or indicated by community need.


  • Nicole Hendrix, Chair
  • Jennifer Willard, Vice-Chair
  • Matt Constantine
  • Ronald Heberlein
  • Andrew Karr
  • Samuel Scull
  • Yana Semenova

City Support Staff

  • Miranda Bateschell, Planning Director
  • Daniel Pauly, Planning Manager
  • Mandi Simmons, Administrative Assistant

Online applications are accepted year-round for anyone wishing to be considered for a future seat on the Planning Commission. Recruitment for all City Boards & Commissions typically occurs in fall, though applicants may be sought at other times to fill a seat vacated by a Commission member unable to complete a term.