Signs for New Buildings & Development

Two types of applications exist for new buildings and development: Class 3 Sign Permits and master sign plans. Master Sign Plans are required when a development involves three or more non-residential tenants. Other development requires a Class 3 Sign Permit. Both Class 3 Sign Permits and Master Sign Plans require review by the City’s Development Review Board (DRB) in a public hearing.

The first step in applying for a Class 3 Sign Permit or Master Sign Plan is to request a pre-application meeting with the City.  To learn more about requesting a pre-application meeting, please review the information on our pre-application meeting page here.

Class 3 Sign Permits

The following items are required to submit for a Class 3 Sign Permit:   

  • Submitted application via the City's Online Permitting Portal (apply for DRB Master Plan)
  • See Fees: Planning Fees, Signs Permits and Review, for Application Fees.
  • Sign drawings showing all materials, the sign area, and dimensions used to calculate sign areas, and other details sufficient to judge the full scale of the associated sign(s) and related improvements
  • Drawings or photos showing proposed sign placement on buildings, if applicable
  • Documentation of the lengths of building or tenant space facades used in calculating maximum allowed sign area
  • Information showing how the proposed sign(s) conform with all applicable Code requirements
  • Narrative describing the scope of the project, including written findings addressing all Applicable Review Criteria, along with any other information showing how the proposed signage conforms with requirements for the applicable zone

Master Sign Plans

The submission requirements for Master Sign Plans are the same as Class 3 Sign Permits, plus the following:

  • A written explanation of the flexibility of the Master Sign Plan for different potential tenant space configurations over time.
  • A written explanation of the extent to which different sign designs, including those incorporating logos, stylized letters, multiple lines of text, non-straight baselines, or different materials and illumination will be allowed and, if allowed, how the flexibility of the Master Sign Plan will allow these different sign designs over time.
  • A written explanation of how the Sign Plan provides for a consistent and compatible sign design throughout the subject development.
  • The application fee of $1,743 for Master Sign Plan.

What if the sign request doesn't conform with the Sign Regulations?

Waivers & Variances

Waivers and variances are similar in that they allow deviation from requirements such as area and height from ground. They differ in that waivers are granted by the Development Review Board as part of a comprehensive review of the design and function of an entire site to bring about an improved design, and variances are granted by either the Planning Director or DRB to relieve a specific hardship caused by the regulations. For more information on waivers and variances, see Wilsonville Code Subsection 4.156.02 (.08).

The application fee for waivers and variances are as follows:

  • Administrative Variance: $865
  • DRB Variance Review: $3,928
  • Waiver: $715

For more information about submitting a Sign Permit application along with building and electrical permits, return to Signs.


The information on this page intended to summarize the City’s sign regulations. Wilsonville’s Sign Regulations can be found in Sections 4.156.01 through 4.156.11 of the Wilsonville Code. The completeness of and review any application for a Sign Permit will be based on Sections 4.156.01 through 4.156.11 of the Wilsonville Code, and any other relevant sections of Wilsonville’s Code