3. Natural Resources Process Guidelines

Natural Resource Program Requirements

Once the Planning Division receives a development application, it is forwarded to the Natural Resources Program for review and comments. The application is reviewed to see how it will impact the natural resources of, and around, the site. The proposed application is also examined to make sure it meets all Federal, State, Regional, and City environmental standards. Conditions of approval are submitted as part of the Planning Staff Report that goes to the public hearing before the Development Review Board to address any environmental/natural resource issues.

The following list includes but is not limited to those natural resource issues that will be reviewed during the application process:

  • Significant Resource Areas (including streams, wetlands, and wildlife habitat)
  • Stormwater management
  • Business storm sewer system discharges
  • Federal and State permitting requirements


Natural Resources reviews and approves all proposed impacts, map verifications and refinements, planning interpretations, and exempt uses and activities related to the SROZ. Unless deemed exempt, proposed impacts must be justified through a Significant Resource Impact Report - abbreviated or standard.

Stormwater Management

Natural Resources will also review and approve the water quality section of the Stormwater Analysis Report provided to the Engineering Division and water quality components of the plan sets submitted to the Building and Engineering Divisions. 

Development that creates or replaces 5,000 or more square feet of impervious surface must manage their stormwater onsite in accordance with Section 3 of the 2015 Public Works standards.

Any issues that may apply to your project will be discussed during the pre-application meeting, as well as any actions you may need to take.  The following items are mentioned for your consideration:

  • Development that results in 500 or more square feet of new or replaced impervious surface must apply for an erosion and sediment control permit from the Engineering Division and comply with Section 101.9.00 of the 2017 Public Works Standards.
  • Stormwater treatment facilities must be operational before paving occurs on site. 


Verification of SROZ boundary

Abbreviated - $500
Standard - $614

SRIR Review

Abbreviated - $709
Standard - $2,014

Review Mitigation Monitoring Report 
