
SMART staff disinfecting , wiping down a handle
Posted On:
Thu, 03/19/2020

March 19, 2020  — With the COVID-19 response efforts requiring social distancing, business closures, canceled activities and disrupted routines around the globe, South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART) operations are unusual in that they are continuing with virtually no disruption.

Currently, Wilsonville’s independent transit operator is operating all routes, all days. While ridership is down by nearly half, SMART Director Dwight Brashear notes this is allowing riders to get to their destinations comfortably, without worrying about other passengers getting too close.

“The social distancing is happening organically because we’re seeing lighter passenger loads,” said Brashear, who has hopped aboard several buses recently to chat with riders and bus drivers about COVID-19 concerns. “We’ve been able to continue helping the people who count on us and may not have other options.”

Posted On:
Wed, 03/18/2020

March 18, 2020 — If you’re going online to shop for resources or seek information about COVID-19, the Wilsonville Police Department cautions that scammers may be eager to take advantage of consumer fears and uncertainty around the current global health crisis.

“Stay alert,” advises Wilsonville Police Chief Rob Wurpes. “Unfortunately this is a perfect set of circumstances for scammers: an anxious population, vulnerable people at highest risk, excessive demand for out-of-stock goods and disinformation on social media.”

Wurpes cautions people to keep computer protection up-to-date and to remain skeptical of websites and ads that aren’t from trusted sources. If you’re not sure, he says, don’t click. 

Wilsonville City Hall exterior
Posted On:
Tue, 03/17/2020

March 17, 2020 — The City of Wilsonville, continuing to adopt the social distancing recommendations of the CDC, the Oregon Heath Authority and Clackamas County Public Health, is closing access to all public facilities, effective this evening.

The decision closes public access to City Hall, SMART Transit offices and the Police/Public Works building. The City had previously put into effect public closures at the Wilsonville Community Center, the Wilsonville Public Library and the Parks & Recreation Administration Building.

“The situation is fluid, and we’re continuing to prioritize the health and safety of our employees and community members,” City Manager Bryan Cosgrove said. “When weighing the inconvenience of this decision against the need to urgently do our part to flatten the curve and slow transmission of COVID-19, closing our doors is the responsible choice.”

Parks & Rec Admin. Bldg.
Posted On:
Mon, 03/16/2020

March 16, 2020 — The Parks & Recreation Administration Building is now closed to the public, effective Tuesday morning.  While not typically used for programs, the facility hosts occasional group meetings and receives frequent walk-in traffic from people visiting nearby Town Center Park.

All public facility closures announced by the City – at the Park & Rec. Admin Building, the Wilsonville Community Center, and the Wilsonville Library – is to remain in effect until April 8, or longer at the recommendation of public health officials.

City Hall remains open to the public, 8 am to 5 am each weekday. Customers are highly encouraged to conduct business by phone or online for their own protection and that of City staff.

Library exterior
Posted On:
Sun, 03/15/2020

March 15, 2020 — The Wilsonville Library is open today, 1-6 pm. Effective Monday, Mar. 16, and through at least April 8, the Library is closing its doors to the public.

During the public closure, the following library services remain available:

Brad performing Storytime on YouTube
Posted On:
Fri, 03/13/2020

Wilsonville Public Library is on YouTube! Check out our growing collection of videos, from helpful tutorials to children's programs like Storytime, and more. 

Wilsonville Community Center
Posted On:
Fri, 03/13/2020

March 13, 2020 — As a precautionary measure in the interest of public health, especially for older adults most at risk of serious illness from COVID-19, the City of Wilsonville is temporarily suspending all public activities at the Wilsonville Community Center.

The facility remains open to the general public until 5 pm today (March 13), though all fitness classes have been canceled. On Sunday, the Community Center is scheduled to host a meeting of the Pioneer Baptist Church. Effective on Monday, Mar. 16, and until further notice, the facility is closed for public use. All drop-in activities, fitness classes and evening rentals are canceled.

“With health officials encouraging people, and especially older adults, to begin social distancing, we need to lead by example by implementing protections to help stem the transmission of COVID-19 in our community,” said City Manager Bryan Cosgrove.

Posted On:
Fri, 03/13/2020

March 13, 2020 —  City of Wilsonville Mayor Tim Knapp has authorized the City Manager to declare a local state of emergency, which takes effect immediately and may be ratified by a resolution to be brought before the City Council on Monday, March 16, at 7 pm at City Hall.

Taking this action allows City staff greater flexibility to address the hazards posed by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by facilitating more expedient coordination with other public agencies and quicker deployment of resources needed to safeguard the Wilsonville community.

The state of emergency declaration provides the City’s Emergency Management staff with latitude to coordinate an effective response by redirecting funding for emergency use as needed, implementing mutual aid agreements with other public agencies and suspending standard procurement procedures.

woman wearing face mask
Posted On:
Fri, 03/13/2020

UPDATED 8/13/2021

By the Governor's order, starting August 13, 2021, masks are required inside the library for everyone ages 5 and up.

Free masks are available in the lobby. If you are unable to wear a mask, we can assist you while you wait outside of the library building.

For information about current library services, please visit the Library Services Update page.

girl reading on couch
Posted On:
Fri, 03/13/2020

The library is here for you!

Check out our virtual library resources -- from digital books and audiobooks, to popular magazines and newspapers, to language learning and kids' science projects, and more:

Books (eBooks and eAudiobooks) & Online Services:

library update
Posted On:
Fri, 03/13/2020
Effective Saturday, March 12, masks are no longer required at the Wilsonville Public Library. Masks are still advised, and can be provided (while supplies last) for anyone who prefers to wear one. Please join us in respecting the personal choice made by each Library visitor.  

UPDATED 3/10/2022

During this extraordinary time, the following library services are available:

book with pages forming a heart
Posted On:
Fri, 03/13/2020

Looking for that next great read? Ask a librarian! Fill out this form and we will send you 3-5 reading suggestions within three days.


welcome sign
Posted On:
Fri, 03/13/2020

UPDATED 9/04/2020

We are pleased to welcome you back to the Wilsonville Library starting Tuesday, June 23. We are following public health guidance from the Oregon Health Authority, the Governor’s office, and Wilsonville’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

Please note the following new safety measures we are adopting to protect visitors and Library staff:

The New York Times logo
Posted On:
Fri, 03/13/2020

LINCC card holders whose home library is Wilsonville now have access to The New York Times online. Accessing this resource through the LINCC catalog grants 72-hour access to for use on any device's Internet browser and smartphone/tablet apps. Digital access is renewable after the 72-hour access expires.

How to Access
1.  Visit, then go to "Online Resources" in the upper left menu. In the search bar, search "NYT" or "New York Times"

2. Follow the steps under "To Access"

*You will receive emails from The New York Times upon creating your account. However, you can unsubscribe to these promotional emails, and The New York Times will honor your request.

Posted On:
Wed, 03/11/2020

March 11, 2020 — Acting out of an abundance of caution because of current public health concerns about COVID-19 , the City of Wilsonville is postponing the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.  

The event recognizes City volunteers for their significant contributions to programs, events and City boards. Scheduled to be held on April 14, the dinner is being rescheduled to a later date (TBD) when the City can demonstrate its gratitude without any restrictions or public health concerns for attendees.

“Our volunteer group includes many older adults who are at greater risk were they to get sick,” City Manager Bryan Cosgrove said.  “For the benefit of these folks and anyone else who might be distancing themselves from social congregations as a precaution, we’ll find another time to say thank you to our volunteers for the great work they do in our community.”

March 2020 Wilsonville Library Newsletter
Posted On:
Thu, 03/05/2020

The March 2020 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out! 

Mayor Knapp at the lecturn addressing attendees at 2020 State of the City
Posted On:
Tue, 03/03/2020

March 3, 2020  — During the March 2, 2020, Wilsonville City Council meeting, Mayor Tim Knapp delivered the 2020 State of the City Address, highlighting several of the most significant accomplishments of the community from the just-completed decade. Entitled “The ‘Arc of History’ 2010-2020: A Decade of Making a Great Community,” Mayor Knapp’s broad perspective shined a spotlight on Wilsonville’s healthy business climate, key infrastructure developments, the award-winning SMART public transit system and the City’s work to acquire more than $16 million in federal and state grant funds to help underwrite a decade of local progress.

Play Group
Posted On:
Mon, 03/02/2020

Play Group has been canceled for Monday, March 2, 2020. We apologize for the inconvenience.

For more information, contact the library at 503-682-2744 or visit our Facebook page.

Page 1 of March 2020 issue
Posted On:
Sun, 03/01/2020

The March 2020 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, features reports and updates on a range of topics including the following articles and content:

Woman throwing food scraps into kitchen pail
Posted On:
Tue, 02/25/2020

Residential customers of Republic Services, Wilsonville’s recycling and waste franchise hauler, may now include food scraps with other residential organics in their yard debris bins. The new service does not affect monthly rates (except as noted below) or weekly pick-up schedules.

Why participate? According to Metro, food represents the largest portion of Portland-area garbage; about 20 percent of materials sent to landfills is food waste. As food decomposes in landfills, it creates methane, a powerful contributor to climate change.

Separating food scraps from garbage keeps food waste out of landfills, instead putting it to better use creating energy, compost or other products. Republic Services diverts food scraps from commercial and residential customers to a regional facility for composting.

Posted On:
Fri, 02/21/2020

February 21, 2020 — During the Feb. 20, 2020, Wilsonville City Council meeting, the Council approved a resolution adopting new water rates to take effect on May 1, 2020. Informed by a cost-of-service analysis that projected the revenue required to cover the City’s expenses, the newly adopted rate structure results in a system-wide increase of 3% in each of the next four years. The new rate structure implements an annual adjustment to the base rate and simplifies residential rates to discontinue separate summer/winter schedules currently in place.

The Council approved a contract with K & E Excavating, Inc., to replace aging infrastructure along French Prairie Rd., a primary arterial street in the Charbonneau District.  The $2 million project repairs, rehabilitates and replaces 2,900 feet of storm sewer pipe and 1,800 feet of sanitary sewer pipe and repaves 1,550 feet of French Prairie Rd.

Posted On:
Thu, 02/20/2020

Storytime has been canceled for Thursday, February 20, 2020. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Storytime will resume next week on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:30 pm.

For more information, contact the library at 503-682-2744 or visit our Facebook page.


Mt. Rushmore photo
Posted On:
Tue, 02/11/2020

Library is closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day. The library will re-open on Tuesday, February 18. To renew items, select "My Account" on the Library website or call the automated phone service at 503-659-8634.

City offices are closed in observance of Presidents' Day.  For after hours services call 1-866-252-3614.

SMART services are operable.

For police non-emergency dispatch call 503-655-8211.
