City Council Adopts New Water Rates, Approves Contract to Upgrade French Prairie Rd. Infrastructure

February 21, 2020 — During the Feb. 20, 2020, Wilsonville City Council meeting, the Council approved a resolution adopting new water rates to take effect on May 1, 2020. Informed by a cost-of-service analysis that projected the revenue required to cover the City’s expenses, the newly adopted rate structure results in a system-wide increase of 3% in each of the next four years. The new rate structure implements an annual adjustment to the base rate and simplifies residential rates to discontinue separate summer/winter schedules currently in place.

The Council approved a contract with K & E Excavating, Inc., to replace aging infrastructure along French Prairie Rd., a primary arterial street in the Charbonneau District.  The $2 million project repairs, rehabilitates and replaces 2,900 feet of storm sewer pipe and 1,800 feet of sanitary sewer pipe and repaves 1,550 feet of French Prairie Rd.

Additionally, the Council approved a supplemental budget adjustment in accordance with State local budget laws.

During the work session prior to the meeting, City Planning staff shared details of a project to update residential zoning standards that define how and where buildings and site improvements can be completed within the City’s Planned Development Residential (PDR) zones.  The Wilsonville Residential Zoning Modernization Project seeks to address issues frequently encountered by application of current standards and to make rules clearer.

Library Director Pat Duke discussed the Library’s upcoming strategic plan development, which includes establishing a steering committee and focus groups, conducting a public survey and developing strategies to establish a vision and goals that support the Library’s long-term health.

The next meeting of the City Council, which includes Mayor Knapp’s 2020 State of the City address, is to be held on Monday, March 2, at 7 pm; a pre-meeting work session begins at 5 pm.

Community members can watch all City Council meetings on cable (Comcast/Xfinity Ch. 30, Frontier Ch. 32) or on the City’s YouTube channel:

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