Are there any restrictions regarding placement of flyers or times?
City code prohibits the distribution of advertisement on car windshields or taped to the property. Hours of solicitation are between 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time.
How do I apply for a permit?
All applicants need to apply in person at City Hall to see if they are eligible for a permit. For more information, please contact 503-570-1518.
How long does it take to get a permit?
It can take up to five days from the submission of the application to receive a Solicitor's Permit.
What do I need to apply for a Solicitor's Permit?
To apply for a Solicitor's Permit, you will need:
- The business or individual must have a current City of Wilsonville business license
- Proof of age, identity, and the home address are required. A valid driver's license or other legally recognized form of identification constitutes acceptable proof
- Written authorization to represent the company you are soliciting for (if applicable)
- A digital picture which you can email to The picture should have a plain background, head and shoulder with no hat (similar to a drivers license or pass port photo).
- Authorization to do a criminal background check
What is the cost and how long is it valid?
The fee is $20 for an individual or an entire group. It is valid for six months from the date of issue.
Why does the city need this information?
The city uses this information to issue a solicitor badge, which you are required to wear.