Erosion Control
Wilsonville recognizes the importance of protecting the environment and providing for the long-term stewardship of our natural resources. In an effort to protect our water resources, erosion control plans are required for construction projects that measure 500 square feet or greater in area. The Engineering Division has responsibility for managing the Erosion Control Permit.
When land is disturbed at a construction site, the erosion rate may increase significantly. Ground cover acts to protect the surface from erosion, and removal of that cover increases the site’s susceptibility to erosion.
Proper planning and use of erosion control prevention measures can reduce the impact of human-caused erosion. Wilsonville’s City Code Section 8.317 requires that erosion control prevention measures be implemented, inspected, and maintained during and following construction.
The city uses the Clackamas County Water Environment Services' most current version of the Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual for all erosion and sediment control measures.
For more information, please find our Engineering Division managing stormwater web page and the erosion and sediment control permits.