Virtual Public Meeting: I-5 Pedestrian Bridge & Gateway Plaza
Calendar Date:
The City is gathering public input on preliminary I-5 Pedestrian Bridge and Gateway Plaza designs to identify the concepts and design elements most preferred by the Wilsonville community.
Three virtual open house events are being held on Aug. 13 to help project leaders establish and refine a preferred design of the bridge and plaza for further consideration this fall. Click to register for the meeting of your choice, provide your email address, and a meeting invitation will be sent.
- Aug. 13 @ Noon:
- Aug. 13 @ 4 pm:
- Aug. 13 @ 6 pm:
Previously, in February, the City gathered public input on which themes and elements to prioritize as concepts were drafted. The community relayed its preference for a visually iconic bridge that incorporated artistic elements and integrated nature and sustainable design.
The I-5 Pedestrian Bridge provides a safe pedestrian/bike crossing of Interstate 5 to better connect the Villebois neighborhood and the Wilsonville Transit Center to Wilsonville Town Center and adjacent neighborhoods. First identified as a need in the 2006 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, the project was added to the Transportation System Plan (TSP) in 2013.
The Gateway Plaza provides a new public gathering space, identified as a community priority during development of the Town Center Plan. The plaza is to be built on a City-owned parcel at the east bridge landing.