Boeckman Creek Interceptor and Trail Project

Boeckman Creek Interceptor Trail

The Boeckman Creek Interceptor and Trail Design project increases the City's sewer capacity to support development of Frog Pond East and South neighborhoods and adds a regional trail link that connects Boeckman Road to Memorial Park.

Completing these two capital projects together minimizes the overall cost as well as the time and impacts of construction. 

The design phase is nearing 30% complete, with the scope of the project generally finalized.  A small bridge has been added to the project bring trail users to the west side of Boeckman Creek at Wilsonville Road.


Project Timeline

project timeline image


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Location Map

Both the trail and the sewer line parallel the creek.  Designing and constructing both projects at the same time saves time and money while reducing disruptions to the area.

Project Overview

The Boeckman Creek Interceptor and Trail Project combines two capital improvement projects in one project area along the forested area east of Boeckman Creek. 

The project area extends from the newly constructed Memorial Park Pump Station located at the City’s Memorial Park to Boeckman Road approximately 1.4 miles upstream.

Preliminary plans for the interceptor project:

  • Replace outdated and undersized sewer collector line
  • Expand sewer capacity to support growing residential areas
  • Complete the Interceptor project identified in 2014 Wastewater Collection System Master Plan

Preliminary plans under consideration for the trail project include:

  • Construct paved shared-use path proposed to meet ADA and AASHTO standards
  • Provide facilities for two-way bicycle and pedestrian traffic
  • Extend regional trail system

Other elements (benches, interpretive signage, trail overlook) may be incorporated during project design. 

Key Project Benefits

Increased Sewer Capacity

The sewer interceptor increases sewer capacity to support growing areas of Frog Pond East and South.

New North-South Connection for Regional Trail System

The new trail segment completes a long-envisioned link for the regional trail system that expands recreational opportunities. Preliminary plans include extending the regional trail from Memorial Park to Boeckman Road, enabling people to safely walk, run and bicycle along the connected trail system.

Public Outreach

Input from community members is always welcome.  You can direct specific questions or comments to Capital Projects Manager Andrew Barrett at

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Boeckman Creek Interceptor Trail Map