Tourism Development Strategy

A City-initiated effort to create a Tourism Development Strategy that arose from previous work to craft a comprehensive Economic Development Strategy continues to move forward. The work is being guided by a 15-member volunteer task force chaired by City Councilor Julie Fitzgerald that is comprised of representatives from local dining, lodging and entertainment establishments, as well as operators of agri-tourism, golf and sporting tournaments, along with residents and officials with tourism agencies.

The City contracted in a competitive process with the tourism consultant firm Total Destination Marketing based out of Tualatin. While a local business, the consultants have worked with cities and destination marketing organizations throughout Oregon, the U.S. and globally.

The Tourism Development Strategy process includes two City-hosted community workshops focused on tourism and visitor information, along with an anticipated five meetings of the task force, an online survey and public comment opportunity, along with presentations to the City Council.

The first two phases of the process, conducting a destination audit and assessment/analysis, were completed in November. The “Fieldwork Research Report” was released to the public and task force members in December. This report contains research findings and data from the studies and activities in the destination audit and assessment/analysis phases conducted September through November. The Fieldwork Research Report includes background information on various market and experience development opportunities. The tourism consultants summarized all research, interviews and workshops (confidentiality protected), created a draft Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analyses, and provided discussion points in regard to target audiences and key strategy elements.

The next phase to be conducted from January through April 2014 is focused on crafting and refining the Tourism Development Strategy plan, which will address issues including strategic direction, Wilsonville positioning, strategies and actions, Internet marketing and destination leadership, among others.

Public comment opportunities are available at each task force meeting, as well as for the draft strategy plan that is scheduled for release in March.


Tourism Development Strategy Task Force

As an integral component of this process, the City has formed a focused, limited-duration task force composed of leading community members and business managers who will help guide the process and make a recommendation to the City Council. The task force is comprised of representatives from local dining, lodging and entertainment establishments, as well as operators of agri-tourism, golf and sporting tournaments, along with residents and officials with tourism agencies.

Tourism Development Strategy Task Force

Membership By Related Business Sector

Task Force Chair

City Councilor Julie Fitzgerald (ex-officio)




Agri-Tourism: Tonie Tollen, Principal, Tollen Farms

Family Entertainment: Darren Harmon, General Manager, Family Fun Center / Bullwinkles Restaurant

Outdoor Recreation: David Stead, General Manager, Langdon Farms Golf Club

Hospitality Businesses



Dining: Emily Corley, General Manager, McMenamins Wilsonville Old Church and Pub

Lodging: Jeff Brown, General Manager, Holiday Inn - South Portland/Wilsonville Conference Center

Tourism Consultant

Mary Stewart, Principal, MARStewart Group

Commercial Developer/Property Manager

Susan Myers, General Manager, Capital Realty Corp.

Non-Profit/Residential Sector

Arts & Culture Association: Cheryl Snow, Executive Director, Clackamas County Arts Alliance

Resident/City Volunteer: Denny Atkin, Retired; former Advertising Director, The Oregonian


Farmers Market: Chris & Liz Perry, Market Managers, Wilsonville Farmers Market

Sports Tournaments: John Hanna, Club Manager, Willamette United Soccer Club

Public Sector

Tourism-Development Agencies:Daphne Wuest, Chair, Clackamas County Tourism Development Council

Carolyn McCormick, President/CEO, Washington County Visitors Association 

City Parks & Recreation: Eric Bohard, Chair, City of Wilsonville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board

City Staff Contact

Mark Ottenad, Public/Government Affairs Director;

Members listed by economic/community sector; sorted alphabetically by last name.

Task Force Meetings and Work Products

The Tourism Development Strategy Task Force met over a seven-month period to craft the City’s tourism development strategy. The Task Force held various community workshops and meetings all open to the public to review information and discuss issues for developing a tourism strategy for Wilsonville. Following is a listing of various events and related work products or presentation materials.

City Council Meeting: Mon, May 5, 7 pm
City Hall, Council Chambers, 1st floor

The Wilsonville City Council approved unanimously on May 5, 2014, Resolution No. 2468, which adopts the Wilsonville Tourism Development Strategy, May 2014.

Wilsonville Tourism Development Strategy, May 2014
Staff Report for May 5, 2014, City Council meeting: Wilsonville Tourism Development Strategy
Resolution No. 2468, A Resolution of the Wilsonville City Council Adopting the Wilsonville Tourism Development Strategy, May 2014

Task Force Meeting #5, Acceptance of and recommendation to City Council of Tourism Development Strategy: Thur, April 24, 6:00 pm
City Hall, Willamette River Room, 2nd floor

This meeting focuses on finalizing the strategy and the evaluation of comments received from the public and City Council. TDM consultants then lead discussions on what will be required for the community to successfully implement the strategy and the operation of the outreach programs that may be necessary.
Meeting Agenda, April 24, 2014
Amended Draft Tourism Development Strategy, April 2014 Redlined version of the Revised Draft showing changes made based on the April 24 Task Force meeting and that serves as the source content for the final version.
Memo on Changes to Revised Draft Tourism Development Strategy, April 2014
Memo on Changes to Draft Tourism Development Strategy, March 2014
Tourism Development Strategy Priorities Survey for Task Force

City Council Work Session: Mon, April 7, 5 pm
City Hall, Willamette River Room, 2nd floor. 

Chair Fitzgerald and TDM consultants present Draft Tourism Development Strategy and comments received from the public and task force members to the City Council and request additional feedback. 

Excerpted pages from April 7, 2014, City Council Meeting packet 
Public Comments on Draft Wilsonville Tourism Development Strategy and Consultants' Review
Tourism Development Strategy Priorities Survey for Task Force

Public Comment Period on Draft Tourism Development Strategy

The public comment period on the Draft Tourism Development Strategy was held March 21-31, 2014. A total of 21 sets of comments were received. 

"Draft Tourism Development Strategy" Public Comment Survey Instrument

Task Force Meeting #4, Review of Draft Tourism Development Strategy: Thur, March 20, 6:00 pm
City Hall, Willamette River Room, 2nd floor

The focus of this meeting is to review the draft of the strategy that is released prior to the meeting. Discussion will also include issues related to generating public comment. 

Draft Tourism Development Strategy, March 2014 
Meeting Agenda, March 20, 2014

Task Force Meeting #3, Strategic Directions: Wed, Jan 29, 1:30 pm
City Hall, Willamette River Room, 2nd floor

Following a recap of the Fieldwork Research Report, task force members discuss their responses and then consider strategic directions and potential recommendations. Consultants encourage participants to provide input for draft vision and mission statements, objectives, goals, target audiences and key strategies. 

Tourism Development Strategy Task Force Meeting #3 Presentation 

Fieldwork Research Report, December 2013

The Fieldwork Research Report contains research findings and data from the studies and activities conducted over the period of September through November 2013. The Report also includes background information on various market and experience development opportunities; summarizes research, interviews and workshops (confidentiality protected), draft SWOTs, and discussion points in regard to target audiences and key strategy elements. 

The contents include: 

1. Face to Face Interviews
2. Stakeholder Workshops
4. Online Community Survey
5. Task Force
6. Appendices:

1. Wilsonville Internet Marketing Analysis: Internet Inventory & Task Force Considerations Part 1

2. The Changing Role of DMOs in the Digital Age

3. Positioning Portland for Rain, Hail or Shine

4. Oregon Travel Impacts: 1991 to 2012 - Dean Runyan Associates

5. Oregon Bicycle Travel Study

6. Cities Scoring Big with Sports Marketing Initiatives

7. NASC Report on the Sports Travel Industry

8. Equestrian/Equine Tourism

9. Arts and Culture Relationship to Community Character & Sense of Place

10. Public Submissions

11. Resources and Publications

12. Wilsonville Parks Survey 2013

13. 2013 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 

Wilsonville Tourism Development Strategy Fieldwork Research Report, December 2013, Chapters 1-5 
Wilsonville Tourism Development Strategy Fieldwork Research Report, December 2013, Complete with appendices (13 MB) 


Task Force Meeting #2, Internet Marketing Review: Tue, Nov 12, 1:30 pm
City Hall, Willamette River Room, 2nd floor 

Consultants from TDM reviewed the pending Internet Marketing review. John Hope-Johnstone outlines the basic requirements of a destination’s internet marketing program, shares results from the Internet Marketing Analysis study, explain its meaning and conduct a discussion with committee members in regard to various options (and implications) for the future. This input will contribute toward the Internet Marketing Strategy to be completed later. 

Tourism Development Strategy Task Force Meeting #2 Presentation
Internet Marketing Analysis, Part 1, November 2013 

Task Force Meeting #1, Destination Audit: Thur, Oct 24, 1:30 pm
City Hall, Council Chambers, 1st floor

Consultants from TDM reviewed the pending Destination Audit. Bill Baker and Bruce Dickson introduce participants to the tourism strategy planning process, seeks to capture task force members input, and thirdly we will share our findings to date to gain their reaction and insights.

Tourism Development Strategy Task Force Meeting #1 Presentation 

Community Workshops: Wed, Oct 16, 6 pm, and Wed, Oct 23, 6 pm
City Hall, Willamette River Room, 2nd floor.

Tourism Development Strategy Community Workshops Presentation