ODOT Seeks Public Comment on I-5 Wilsonville Facility Plan

The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the City of Wilsonville are accepting public comment on the draft recommendations of the I-5 Wilsonville Facility Plan until May 29.
A link to ODOT’s public comment page is posted at www.ci.wilsonville.or.us/I-5BooneBridge

The I-5 Wilsonville Facility Plan proposes the construction of a new “ramp-to-ramp” auxiliary lane on southbound Boone Bridge to ease traffic congestion on both I-5 and Wilsonville Road. The new highway lane would begin at the Wilsonville Road I-5 on-ramp and extend south past Miley Road/Charbonneau exit to the Canby-Hubbard Highway 551 off-ramp. Seismic upgrades to the Boone Bridge would occur simultaneously.

Public support for the ramp-to-ramp lane was voiced by participants in an online open house that detailed results of the Southbound I-5 Boone Bridge Congestion Study.  Seventy-five percent of the 282 respondents favored the solution, which was recommended by the City and ODOT to address the bottleneck that routinely delays evening commuters.  The plan also received support from the City’s Planning Commission, which held a public hearing on April 11.  

ODOT estimates a total cost of $120 million for the auxiliary lane and seismic retrofit work, with funding available in the 2028-2040 timeframe.

The Wilsonville City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing on June 4, and to consider a resolution of support. The final plan then goes to Oregon Transportation Commission in July to be considered for adoption as an amendment to the Oregon Highway Plan.

For more information, including the survey results and the draft I-5 Facility Plan, please visit www.ci.wilsonville.or.us/I-5BooneBridge.