Council Approves Funding Source for “Boeckman Dip” Bridge, Approves New Waste/Recycling Agreement

At its May 7, 2018 meeting, the Wilsonville City Council approved on first reading an amendment to the Year 2000 Urban Renewal Plan that provides a funding source for the proposed “Boeckman Dip” bridge. This project would improve East to West connectivity, making Boeckman Road safer for all modes; cars, buses, emergency vehicles, pedestrians and cylists – especially important with the new middle school and future elementary school located just off of Boeckman Road. The amendment increases the authority for spending in the urban renewal area by about $14.5 million.

Council also approved, on first reading, a new solid waste franchise agreement with Republic Services, which provides garbage, recycling, yard debris, and other services to City residents and businesses. The City’s existing agreement with Republic Services has been in place since 1982.  The new agreement, effective July 1, provides for smaller annual, inflation-indexed increases in rates (rather than periodic, and generally larger, rate increases) and adjusts the City’s franchise fee to 5%, commensurate with the fee paid by other service providers in other cities. A $2.50 monthly recyclables surcharge for residential customers and $1.50 per yard recyclables surcharge for commercial customers, effective July 1, are included in the agreement.  A modest rate increase of 3.25% was also approved, effective July 1.  This results in a $0.86 increase in the service rate for most residential customers.

On second reading, Council approved the City’s 2017 Water Treatment Master Plan Update was approved. This update provides a 20-year plan to ensure reliable delivery of high-quality drinking water to Wilsonville citizens and businesses. The plan identifies equipment repair and replacement schedules, details capital and operational improvements— including seismic upgrades—and accounts for facility expansions to accommodate future growth. The updated plan also coordinates the City’s plant improvements with several projects to be undertaken by the Willamette Water Supply Program as part of their plan to supply water to Hillsboro and Tualatin Valley communities.

Also approved, an amended contract with CH2MHill Engineers for the $338,000 replacement of a 40-year-old outfall pipe at the Wilsonville Water Treatment Plant and a resolution authorizing the City to nominate the Frog Pond East and South Neighborhoods for inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary. Metro is accepting city proposals until the end of this month and render growth management decisions by the end of 2018.

During Mayor’s Business, Council President Scott Starr read a proclamation declaring May 20-26, 2018, National Public Works Day. Starr also noted, during Councilor Comments, that prospective City Council candidates may file for the November 6 election on May 30. Two seats on the five-member Council expire on Dec. 31.

At the work session prior to Monday’s meeting, City staff discussed details of the draft Park & Recreation Master Plan and and public feedback on the Community Design Concept for the Wilsonville Town Center.  John Williams, from the City of West Linn, provided an update from the Willamette Falls Locks Commission, which is seeking an operator to rehabilitate and reopen the locks.Community members can watch a replay of all or a portion of the City Council meeting on Comcast/Xfinity Ch. 30, Frontier Ch. 32 or on the City’s video-on-demand service at