City Council Report for March 20, 2017

At the March 20, 2017, Wilsonville City Council meeting, the City Council adopted an updated fee schedule for land-use development and planning-review fees to better align the City’s costs to review and administer various land-use, planning and development applications with the actual fees charged. The fee adjustment is estimated to improve the City’s cost-recovery to deliver these services from 45% up to 84% of actual costs. Some fees, such as tree permit fees, are still purposefully subsidized to reduce the burden of taking out certain types of permits.


During the meeting the Council also held a public hearing and authorized a Supplemental Budget Adjustment to amend the current adopted budget to move expenditures from one category to another within a specific fund.  The adjustments included moving program funds from one department to another, increasing the anticipated utility revenues, and adding various adjustments to the capital projects budget.


A public hearing and ordinance to adopt the 2017 Transit Master Plan update was continued to a future date. Prior to holding a public hearing at a City Council meeting, the plan is first scheduled to have a public hearing on Wednesday, May 10, before the Planning Commission.


The Council adopted the 2017-19 City Council goals that guide and prioritize the City’s efforts and investments over the next two-year period. City Council members also approved an updated 2017 Council Protocol Manual that guides City Council processes and operations.


Under the Consent Agenda City Council adopted nine different resolutions, five of which grant property-tax exemptions to five different affordable housing developments in Wilsonville. The Council authorized the City Manager to appoint an audit firm and to enter into a construction contract to complete the second phase of the Charbonneau High Priority Utility Repair Project for strormwater pipe repairs. The Council also added the 5th Street/Kinsman Road Extension project to the current wastewater collection system and the water system master plans. 


Under Citizen Input and Community Announcements numerous community members encouraged the City Council to adopt an inclusivity resolution to promote Wilsonville as a city that supports and promotes diversity.


During work session prior to the meeting, the City Council heard reports and discussed the Year 2000 Urban Renewal Plan, Wastewater Collection System Master Plan project list amendment, Water distribution master plan project list amendment, Basalt Creek Concept Plan update, Equitable Housing Strategic Plan update, and acceptance of the audit request for proposals.


Due to a lack of agenda items and planned absences, the City Council decided to cancel the next regular and work session City Council meetings on Monday, April 3.


Community members can watch a replay of all or a portion of the City Council meeting on Comcast/Xfinity Ch. 30, Frontier Ch. 32 or on the City’s video-on-demand service at