City Council Renews Grant Support of Community Sharing, Renews City Manager Contract

June 20, 2019  — At the June 17, 2019, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted a resolution renewing the City’s grant-funding agreement with Wilsonville Community Sharing, the local community social-services agency and food bank. The City’s grant of about $52,000 helps to fund support services — including assistance with rent, food, prescriptions and utility bills — to Wilsonville individuals and families in need.

The Council renewed the contract of City Manager Bryan Cosgrove for a two-year period. Afterward, Cosgrove acknowledged the visionary groundwork completed by his predecessor, Arlene Loble, in establishing much of the City’s current infrastructure. Loble, who served as Wilsonville city manager from 1991 to 2010, passed away last week.

On first reading, Council approved revisions to Wilsonville Code, Chapter 11. These revisions consisted of removing or revising outdated provisions and revising provisions regarding the underlying process for establishing systems development charges (SDCs) and administering the collection of SDCs collected from developers.

The Council approved a new Wilsonville addendum to Clackamas County’s Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP), which establishes the City’s goals, action items and resources designed to reduce future loss of life and damage to property from natural disasters.

The Council adopted a resolution that authorizes the City Manager to execute an agreement with TriMet that allows the City to begin receiving proceeds from the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) enacated by Oregon House Bill 2017, the “Keep Oregon Moving Act.” The new public-transit  moneys, which are funded by a statewide employee-paid payroll tax, is allowing South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART) to extend hours of operations, increase bus-run frequencies and additional enhanced services.

On second reading, the Council adopted a zone map amendment for a six-acre property located south of Boeckman Rd. and east of Boberg Rd. Previously zoned Residential Agricultural Holding (RA-H), the action changes the zoning to Planned Development Industrial (PDI) with conditions to protect residents of nearby Walnut Mobile Home Park.

Council also passed a resolution authorizing a supplemental budget adjustment.

Graduates of the 2019 Wilsonville Citizens Academy were formally recognized for completing the six-month volunteer program, which provides an in-depth look at local government to better prepare graduates for future service on City boards and other local leadership opportunities.

During Mayor’s Business, the Mayor read a proclamation commemorating the work of Wilsonville High School and Arts & Technology High School students in designing the battery-electric buses recently acquired by SMART Transit.

Councilor Susie Stevens, whose resignation is effective at the end of June, said parting words and received warm wishes from her peers on the City Council.

During the work session prior to the meeting, the Council completed the application to be posted for prospective Council candidates. The application is to be posted shortly for a 30-day period, after which eligible applications are being vetted by Mayor Knapp and Council President Kristin Akervall. Finalists are being interviewed by Council, which seeks to make the appointment in August.  

During the meeting of the Urban Renewal Area Board that followed, the board authorized the City Manager to sign a $10.8 million construction contract with Moore Excavation, Inc. to complete set of improvements to Garden Acres Rd., including converting 2,800 feet of a two-lane rural-county road to an urban industrial minor arterial with wider concrete travel lanes and bike facilities, sidewalks, landscaping and storm water treatment along. The project also includes extension of sewer, water and storm pipelines and undergrounding of overhead utilities necessary to prepare the Coffee Creek and Basalt Creek Industrial Areas for development.

Community members can watch a replay of all or a portion of the City Council meeting on Comcast/Xfinity Ch. 30, Frontier Ch. 32 or on the City’s YouTube channel:

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