City Council Approves PGE ‘Green Power’ Program, Tourism Plans and Road Improvements

July 22, 2019 — At the July 15, 2019, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council authorized an agreement with Portland General Electric (PGE) to participate in PGE’s Green Tariff clean-energy program. The 15-year commitment is allowing the City to receive 100 percent of its power from renewable energy sources after PGE’s 100MWh solar facility is complete in 2021.   

The Council adopted the annual “Explore Wilsonville” tourism-promotion business and marketing plans, which are funded by local transient taxes paid by overnight lodging visitors. The plans, which implement the tourism website and related advertising marketing, are designed to attract visitors to Wilsonville’s restaurants, hotels, retail establishments and other local attractions.

To support implementation of Metro’s regional initiative to divert commercial food-scraps away from the garbage landfill, the Council adopted changes to Wilsonville City Code, sections 8.010 and 4.179, that requires businesses producing high volumes of food scraps to begin participating in a commercial food-scrap collection program in March 2020.

Council authorized a contract that funds a project to resurface and improve sections of Wilsonville Rd. and Boones Ferry Rd, two primary City arterials.  The capital-improvement project provides new asphalt pavement, updated ADA pedestrian curb ramps, new roadway striping and pedestrian signal improvements along two major thoroughfares. Drivers may incur delays on both roadways throughout the project, which is expected to begin in August and to be complete by the end of November. 

Additionally, Council approved two contracts that allow the City to proceed with the scheduled replacement of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software used for core financial, permitting and administrative functions.

A supplemental budget adjustment was approved, providing the City with about $700,000 in additional funding for ongoing projects at Frog Pond West and Garden Acres Rd.

During Mayor’s Business, Mayor Tim Knapp re-appointed Dave Pearson, Executive Director of World of Speed Motorsports Museum, to a three-year term on the City’s Tourism Promotion Committee.

Additionally, the Mayor re-iterated that the deadline to apply for the City’s vacant position on City Council is July 22 (today) at 5 pm. Applications and additional information are available at

Community members can watch a replay of all or a portion of the City Council meeting on Comcast/Xfinity Ch. 30, Frontier Ch. 32 or on the City’s YouTube channel:

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