2017-18 Council Goals and Long Term Objectives

On February 11, 2017, the Wilsonville City Council met at an all-day retreat to generate a set of long-term policy objectives and biennium goals for 2017-2018. The long-term objectives offer broad policy direction for the City for approximately the next 10 years. The 2017-18 Council goals provide more specific short-term policy level actions for the City to take in the upcoming biennium to help achieve the long-term objectives. The Goals and Administrative Directives were put into a Work Plan to make it easier for the public to monitor the performance and outcomes.

The 2017/2018 Wilsonville City Council Work Planprovides a high level overview of community priorities established by your governing body. The Work Plan includes plans and projects that address important issues related to residential growth, transportation enhancements, growing the City’s tax base, adding family–wage jobs, environmental preservation, and expanding cultural opportunities in the City.

Wilsonville is a fast–growing city with a high quality of life. The adopted Work Plan will ensure that, as growth continues, it will occur in a way that adds value to the City’s existing residents and businesses.

A Work Plan Project Consists Of:

1.  A Project Owner. This person is responsible for the project. Contact information is also provided if you would like more information.

2.  A Project Description. This provides details on the project.

3. Council/Commission Interactions. This section describes how the project uses input or direction from City Council or other advisory boards.

4. Outreach/Communication. This provides details about groups that will be asked to provide input. Key Public Meetings. This identifies what type of key public meetings will occur and when.

We encourage participation in the Work Plan by all city stakeholders. Track our progress online, or email publicaffairs@ci.wilsonville.or.us for more information.