Water Quality Report

Cover of 2024 Water Quality Report

Federal and State drinking water standards require monitoring and reporting of specific water-quality parameters. For each parameter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a maximum contaminant level (MCL) “below which there is no known or expected risk to health.” Furthermore, the EPA requires that only State-certified laboratories using approved standard methods are permitted to be used when analyzing water samples for public water systems. Data shows Wilsonville’s treated water-quality results at the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant as well as samples collected throughout the City’s water distribution system.

Wilsonville Water Continues to Exceed Federal and State Standards

Since April 2002, when the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant began operating, the water produced by the City has exceeded all Federal and State drinking water standards for water quality and regulatory compliance.

The City’s excellent drinking water quality begins with a high-quality source, coupled with a state-of-the-art treatment plant and a well-maintained water storage and distribution system.

From the Willamette River, water enters the plant to begin a five-step treatment process. The treatment plant’s multi-barrier approach utilizes the best available technology, including intermediate oxidation with ozone and 13 other sub-processes.

The City’s contract with Veolia Water provides day-to-day operation and maintenance of the treatment facility. “Our partnership with Veolia and the technology used at our water plant make Wilsonville’s drinking water among the best in the state,” said Public Works Director Delora Kerber.

In November 2016 the Oregon Health Authority conducted a water system survey and determined the City of Wilsonville is a Top Performer.

If you have any questions about this report, contact Delora Kerber, Public Works Director, at 503-682-4092.