
Adopted Budget Cover of dock at Willamette River

The Finance Department, in conjunction with the city's Budget Committee, prepares the budget for each fiscal year, beginning annually on July 1.

Budget Committee Meetings

Adopted Budget 2024-2025

The city’s Adopted Budget includes several features to assist readers in finding information in the Adobe PDF version including bookmarks on the left side of the screen, an available search bar at the top of the screen and page links throughout the document. Page number references in the document lead to the corresponding budget page.  This years budget also includes photos submitted from the Let's Talk, Wilsonville! #BestofWilsonville Photo Contest.

Previous Budgets

Previous years budgets can be downloaded from the website.

Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

Since 1998, the Finance Department has continuously received the annual Distinguished Budget Presentation award for their budget documents. To receive the award, the city must prepare a document that is easy to read, discloses financial policies, and clearly explains where the resources come from and how they will be used. The budget must conform to some 90 criteria to be eligible for an award.